1. Choose the correct preposition: She lives ___ Mumbai.
A. on
B. in
C. at
D. to
2. Which punctuation mark is used to end a sentence?
A. Comma
B. Full stop
C. Apostrophe
D. Exclamation mark
3. Translate to Hindi: "She is cooking food."
A. वह खाना पका रही है।
B. वह खाना पकाती है।
C. वह खाना पकाएगी।
D. वह खाना पकाया।
4. Translate to English: "मैं स्कूल जाता हूँ।"
A. I go to school.
B. I am going to school.
C. I went to school.
D. I will go to school.
5. What is the present perfect tense of 'sing'?
A. has sing
B. have singed
C. have sung
D. has sang
6. What is the past continuous tense of 'write'?
A. was writing
B. were writing
C. was wrote
D. were wrote
7. Change the voice: "The thief stole the jewels."
A. The jewels were stolen by the thief.
B. The jewels are stolen by the thief.
C. The jewels has been stolen by the thief.
D. The jewels were stealing by the thief.
8. Change the narration: He said, "I will help you."
A. He said that he will help me.
B. He said that he would help me.
C. He said that he helps me.
D. He said that he helped me.
9. Change the sentence to exclamatory: What a beautiful flower it is!
A. It is a beautiful flower!
B. Is it a beautiful flower?
C. How beautiful the flower is!
D. The flower is very beautiful.
10. Choose the correct article: ___ Taj Mahal is a beautiful monument.
A. A
B. An
C. The
D. No article needed
11. Choose the correct preposition: I am waiting ___ the bus.
A. for
B. in
C. at
D. to
12. Which punctuation mark is used to show strong emotions?
A. Comma
B. Full stop
C. Apostrophe
D. Exclamation mark
13. Translate to Hindi: "I eat rice."
A. मैं चावल खाता हूँ।
B. मैं चावल खाता हूँ।
C. मैं चावल खाऊँगा।
D. मैं चावल खाया।
14. Translate to English: "वह सो रहा है।"
A. He is sleeping.
B. He sleeps.
C. He slept.
D. He will sleep.
15. What is the future perfect tense of 'finish'?
A. will have finished
B. will have finish
C. will have finishing
D. will have finishes
16. What is the present perfect continuous tense of 'study'?
A. have been studying
B. has been studying
C. have been studied
D. has been studied
17. Change the voice: "The work is being done by them."
A. They are doing the work.
B. They do the work.
C. They have done the work.
D. They were doing the work.
18. Change the narration: She said, "I have eaten my dinner."
A. She said that she had eaten her dinner.
B. She said that she has eaten her dinner.
C. She said that she will eat her dinner.
D. She said that she eats her dinner.
19. Change the sentence to assertive: Does he play cricket?
A. He plays cricket.
B. He does play cricket.
C. He is playing cricket.
D. He will play cricket.
20. What is the future perfect tense of 'finish'?
A. will have finished
B. will have finish
C. will have finishing
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The questions in this MCQ quiz are intended solely for educational purposes. While we strive to ensure the accuracy of the content, the information provided may not always be up-to-date or complete. The quiz creators are not liable for any misunderstandings, errors, or any consequences arising from the use of this quiz. Participants should verify any information independently before relying on it for any critical decision-making.
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