1. The flowers ___ by the gardener.
A. are watered
B. watering
C. watered
D. waters
2. The task ___ by the students.
A. is completed
B. was completed
C. completes
D. complete
3. He ___ a song every morning.
A. sings
B. sang
C. singing
D. sung
4. She ___ tea when I arrived.
A. makes
B. made
C. was making
D. make
5. The game ___ by the team yesterday.
A. won
B. is won
C. was won
D. wins
6. I ___ a story yesterday.
A. write
B. writing
C. wrote
D. written
7. He ___ here since 2010.
A. lives
B. lived
C. has been living
D. living
8. The child ___ in the park every day.
A. play
B. plays
C. played
D. playing
9. The report ___ by the manager.
A. is submitted
B. was submitted
C. submitting
D. submits
10. We ___ a movie tomorrow.
A. watch
B. watched
C. watching
D. will watch
11. The dog ___ barking all night.
A. is
B. was
C. has been
D. had been
12. The train ___ before we reached the station.
A. arrived
B. had arrived
C. arrives
D. arriving
13. The work ___ before the deadline.
A. is completing
B. was completing
C. was completed
D. completes
14. She ___ English very fluently.
A. speaks
B. spoke
C. speaking
D. spoken
15. I ___ dinner at 8 PM yesterday.
A. eat
B. eating
C. ate
D. eaten
16. The house ___ by the workers.
A. is building
B. was built
C. builds
D. built
17. She said, "I will help you."
A. She said that she will help you.
B. She said that she would help you.
C. She said that she has helped you.
D. She said that she had helped you.
18. The dog ___ the ball.
A. catches
B. caught
C. catching
D. catch
19. He ___ hard to achieve success.
A. works
B. worked
C. working
D. work
20. The task ___ by the team.
A. is completed
B. was completed
C. completed
D. completes
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