1. He said, "I have seen this movie."

2. She ___ her work before the deadline.

3. We ___ visiting our grandparents tomorrow.

4. The man ___ by the police yesterday.

5. I ___ help you if you ask.

6. They ___ their homework every day.

7. We ___ to the park every Sunday.

8. He ___ breakfast when I arrived.

9. The work ___ completed by evening.

10. I ___ this movie before.

11. The boy ___ to school every day.

12. The cake ___ by my sister.

13. She ___ a lot of books.

14. The teacher ___ the lesson clearly.

15. He ___ a doctor when he grows up.

16. The train ___ at 5 PM daily.

17. The task ___ before the deadline.

18. They ___ to school when it started raining.

19. The room ___ clean every day.

20. He said, "I can do this work."

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The questions in this MCQ quiz are intended solely for educational purposes. While we strive to ensure the accuracy of the content, the information provided may not always be up-to-date or complete. The quiz creators are not liable for any misunderstandings, errors, or any consequences arising from the use of this quiz. Participants should verify any information independently before relying on it for any critical decision-making.

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