1. He ___ to school every day.
A. go
B. goes
C. gone
D. going
2. The letter ___ by the postman.
A. delivered
B. was delivered
C. is delivering
D. will deliver
3. She said, "I am reading a book."
A. She said she read a book.
B. She said she was reading a book.
C. She said she will read a book.
D. She said she has read a book.
4. The car is very fast, ___?
A. is it
B. isn't it
C. does it
D. doesn't it
5. He has been working here ___ 2010.
A. for
B. since
C. at
D. by
6. The cake ___ by my mother.
A. was baked
B. is baked
C. bakes
D. will bake
7. We ___ a movie yesterday.
A. watched
B. watching
C. watch
D. watches
8. He ___ a letter when I called him.
A. writes
B. wrote
C. was writing
D. written
9. I ___ finish this project by tomorrow.
A. can
B. could
C. must
D. should
10. The sun ___ in the east.
A. rises
B. rose
C. rise
D. rising
11. She ___ playing basketball every evening.
A. like
B. likes
C. liked
D. liking
12. Milk ___ by the cat.
A. is drank
B. was drank
C. is drunk
D. drunk
13. She asked me, "Where do you live?"
A. She asked me where do you live.
B. She asked me where I lived.
C. She asked me where I am living.
D. She asked me where I was living.
14. If I ___ you, I would apologize.
A. am
B. were
C. is
D. was
15. The train ___ before we reached the station.
A. left
B. had left
C. leaves
D. leaving
16. I wish I ___ fly.
A. can
B. could
C. shall
D. should
17. Please ___ the door before you leave.
A. close
B. closes
C. closed
D. closing
18. The teacher ___ us a story yesterday.
A. tells
B. told
C. tell
D. telling
19. He ___ in this office for five years.
A. has been working
B. is working
C. was working
D. will be working
20. He ___ his work before the deadline.
A. finished
B. finishing
C. finishes
D. finish
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