1. The Ozone Layer restricts

2. Under Indian Penal Code, which of the following amounts to defamation-

3. Find the correct spelt word

4. According to Section 57 of M.P. Land Revenue Code, where a dispute arises between the State Government and any person in respect of any right under sub-section (1) such dispute shall be decided by the-

5. When can a trial court release an accused on ball under section 389(3) of Cr.P.C. after conviction?

6. Which Provision (Order) of Civil Procedure Code deals with summons and attendance of witness?

7. Under M.P. Land Revenue Code, what rights of village entered in Wajib-ul-arz record?

8. 'A' contracts to sell and deliver 500 bales of cotton to 'B' on a fixed day. 'A' knows nothing of B's mode of conducting his business. "A" breaks his promise and 'B', having no cotton Is obliged to close his mill. ls 'A' responsible for the loss caused to 'B' by the closing of Mill?

9. Under Civil Procedure Code, a litigant having a grievance of Civil nature has a right to Institute a Civil suit if cognizance is………….

10. Under C.P.C. 1908, on death of either parties to the sult between the conclusion of the hearing and the pronouncing of the judgment, the sult……………

11. Criminal Procedure Code is subject of which list of Constitution of India?

12. In which case amendment in the Constitution, shall also be required to be ratified by the Legislatures of not less than one half of the States to that effect, where such an amendment is in respect of:
(a) Articles 54, 55, 73, 162, or Article 241
(b) Any of the lists in the seventh schedule
(c) Representation of states in Parliament
(d) Provisions relating to Part XII Chapter I

13. Under which of the following Orders of C.P.C., provisions regarding a suit by indigent persons has been given-

14. If a landlord receives any rent in excess of the standard rent as fixed by the Rent Controlling Authority, he shall be punished with simple Imprisonment for a term which may extend to-

15. 'A' cuts down a tree on 'B's land with the Intention of dishonestly taking the tree out of 'B's possession, without 'B's consent. Which offence is committed by 'A'?

16. Under Criminal Procedure Code, which Irregularity vitiate proceedings & shall be void If any Magistrate not being empowered by law.................

17. IC chips used in computers are made of-

18. In M.P. offence under section 317 and 318 of IPC la triable by which Court..........

19. 'A' prepares a mark sheet with an intention to get a job thereby he committed the offence of-

20. Which of the following is not a quasi contract?

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