1. Under Civil Procedure Code, who is not exempted from personal appearance in the Civil Court?

2. Full form of URL is-

3. Under Indian Evidence Act, 1872 the statement of hostile witness-

4. 'A' Is charged with travelling on a railway without ticket. Under the Indian Evidence Act, the burden of proving that he had a ticket, Is on-

5. Under Indian Penal Code, which of the statement represents the correct position of law? To constitute abetment it is.......

6. Under Criminal Procedure Code, the period of limitation for taking cognizance of any……………..

7. An Injunction granted during the pendency of the suit under section 37 of Specific Relief Act, 1963 Is:

8. Under Indian Penal Code, a married man commits adultery If he has Intercourse with a/an-

9. ...........the cover of darkness, the enemy crept………….

10. Offence under Negotiable Instruments Act are:

11. Removal of ornaments dishonestly from the body of the deceased person is.........

12. Under order 43 of Civil Procedure Code, against which order an appeal shall not lie

13. Under Civil Procedure Code, a Court may not issue a commission-

14. What is the effect of "Holding over"?

15. Under Evidence Act, confession of one accused is admissible in evidence against co-accused-

16. An Executive Magistrate is empowered to grant remand under Section 167 Cr.P.C. for a maximum period of-

17. Which of the following do not convey title?

18. One Nautical Mile is equal to………….

19. Which one is not the correct answer: The Government may, by notification, exempt any accommodation from all or any of the provisions of the M.P. Accommodation Control Act-

20. Which one of the following Expressway is the longest In India?

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