1. Under Civil Procedure Code, who is not exempted from personal appearance in the Civil Court?
A. Vice-President of India
B. Ministers of Union and States
C. Judges of Supreme Court and High Courts
D. Chairman of Union Public Service Commission
2. Full form of URL is-
A. Uniform resource Locator
B. Uniform resource Link
C. Uniform registered Link
D. Uniform resource Lab
3. Under Indian Evidence Act, 1872 the statement of hostile witness-
A. is irrelevant
B. can be acted upon
C. cannot be acted upon
D. has no evidentiary value
4. 'A' Is charged with travelling on a railway without ticket. Under the Indian Evidence Act, the burden of proving that he had a ticket, Is on-
A. Prosecution
B. Accused
C. Complainant
D. Prosecution witness
5. Under Indian Penal Code, which of the statement represents the correct position of law? To constitute abetment it is.......
A. necessary that the act abetted must be committed.
B. not necessary that the act abetted must be committed.
C. necessary that the person abetted must have the same intention or knowledge s that of the abettor.
D. None of these.
6. Under Criminal Procedure Code, the period of limitation for taking cognizance of any……………..
A. if the offence is punishable with imprisonment for a term exceeding one year but not exceeding three years
B. if the offence is punishable with imprisonment for a term exceeding three years but not exceeding seven years
C. if the offence is punishable with imprisonment for a term exceeding one year but not exceeding ten years
D. if the offence is punishable with imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year
7. An Injunction granted during the pendency of the suit under section 37 of Specific Relief Act, 1963 Is:
A. Perpetual injunction
B. Mandatory injunction
C. Temporary injunction
D. Permanent injunction
8. Under Indian Penal Code, a married man commits adultery If he has Intercourse with a/an-
A. Unmarried woman
B. Married woman other than his wife
C. Any woman except his wife
D. Unmarried woman without her consent
9. ...........the cover of darkness, the enemy crept………….
A. in, over
B. in, over
C. under, up
D. through, upon
10. Offence under Negotiable Instruments Act are:
A. Cognizable & compoundable
B. Non Cognizable & compoundable
C. Cognizable & Non compoundable
D. Non Cognizable & non compoundable
11. Removal of ornaments dishonestly from the body of the deceased person is.........
A. Robbery under Section 392 of I.P.C.
B. Theft under Section 378 of I.P.C.
C. An offence under Section 404 of I.P.C.
D. An offence under Section 416 of I.P.C.
12. Under order 43 of Civil Procedure Code, against which order an appeal shall not lie
A. An order to set aside or refusing to set aside a sale
B. An order rejecting an application for permission to sue as an indigent person
C. An order on an objection to the draft of a document
D. When the subordinate court has exercised its jurisdiction illegally or with material irregularity
13. Under Civil Procedure Code, a Court may not issue a commission-
A. For elucidating any matter in dispute
B. For ascertaining the market value of any property
C. For assessing the amount of any mesne profits or damages
D. For framing of issue
14. What is the effect of "Holding over"?
A. The lease becomes illegal
B. The lease is renewed
C. The lease becomes extinguished
D. The lease becomes void
15. Under Evidence Act, confession of one accused is admissible in evidence against co-accused-
A. If they are tried jointly for the same offence
B. if they are tried jointly for different offences
C. if they are tried for the same offence but not jointly
D. if they are tried for different offences and also not jointlyIndian Penal Code, 1860
16. An Executive Magistrate is empowered to grant remand under Section 167 Cr.P.C. for a maximum period of-
A. 15 days
B. 7 days
C. 60 days
D. 90 daysNegotiable Instruments Act
17. Which of the following do not convey title?
A. Registered exchange deed
B. Registered will
C. Registered gift deed
D. Registered sale deed
18. One Nautical Mile is equal to………….
A. 1005 Meter
B. 1250 Meter
C. 1575 Meter
D. 1852 Meter
19. Which one is not the correct answer: The Government may, by notification, exempt any accommodation from all or any of the provisions of the M.P. Accommodation Control Act-
A. which is owned by any educational institution
B. which is owned by any religious institution
C. which is owned by any charitable institution
D. which is owned by any Institution cultural.
20. Which one of the following Expressway is the longest In India?
A. Yamuna Expressway
B. Mumbai-Pune Expressway
C. Western Expressway
D. Agra-Lucknow Expressway
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