1. Offences under the Negotiable Instruments Act are triable by-

2. Under Section 113 of M.P. Land Revenue Code, clerical errors which have been made in the record of rights may at any time be corrected by the

3. Who can withdraw a case from the prosecution under Section 321, Cr.P.C.?

4. A dying declaration under Section 32 of the Indian Evidence Act is admissible in evidence:

5. Under Order 32 Rule 1 of Civil Procedure Code a minor means a person who has not attained his majority within the meaning of ...........

6. Under Indian Contract Act, goods displayed In a shop window with amount to- prize label will

7. Which among the following is not a fundamental right-
(a) Right to equality
(b) Right to freedom of religion
(c) Right to constitutional remedies
(d) Equal justice & free legal aid

8. Who among the following is not entitled to claim maintenance under section 125 of Cr.P.C.?

9. 'A' without any excuse fires a loaded cannon into a crowd of persons and kills one of them. Although he may not have had a premeditated design to kill any particular individual. 'A' committed offence of..................

10. Which Provision (Order of Civil Procedure Code deals with production, Impounding and return of documents?

11. As per Section 40 of the Specific Relief Act, where an Instrument is evidence of different rights or different obligations the court may In a proper case-

12. Servers are computers that provide resources to other computers connected to a.............

13. Who won the first ever Olympic Medal for Women's Wrestling in Rio Olympic for India?

14. What is 'Lithotripsy'?

15. In which state Garampani sanctuary is located?

16. Under Criminal Procedure Code, the maximum term of Imprisonment awardable In a "Summary Trial" is.....................

17. No suit for the eviction of a tenant shall be maintainable on the grounds specified under 12(1)(e) or 12(1)(), unless a period of has elapsed from the date of acquisition.

18. An application filed under section 257 of Criminal Procedure Code is allowed, so the accused will be

19. Which Revenue Officer is competent to take action under Section 248, 250 M.P. L.R.C.

20. Section 511 of Indian Penal Code will apply to……………

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The questions in this MCQ quiz are intended solely for educational purposes. While we strive to ensure the accuracy of the content, the information provided may not always be up-to-date or complete. The quiz creators are not liable for any misunderstandings, errors, or any consequences arising from the use of this quiz. Participants should verify any information independently before relying on it for any critical decision-making.

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