1. What is the primary purpose of the Chhattisgarh Land Revenue Code?
A. To regulate property ownership
B. To consolidate land records
C. To manage revenue collection
D. To enforce tenancy laws
2. When was the Chhattisgarh Land Revenue Code enacted?
A. 1959
B. 1965
C. 1998
D. 2000
3. Who is the primary authority under the Land Revenue Code?
A. Patwari
B. Tehsildar
C. Collector
D. Revenue Secretary
4. What is the role of a Patwari?
A. Collection of taxes
B. Maintaining land records
C. Resolving disputes
D. Approving land transfers
5. What is a ‘Khasra’ under the Land Revenue Code?
A. A land survey record
B. A tax receipt
C. A legal notice
D. A tenancy document
6. What does 'Bhu Adhikar Pustika' refer to?
A. Land ownership book
B. Land dispute register
C. Land survey map
D. Land allotment letter
7. Who has the power to settle land disputes?
A. Patwari
B. Tehsildar
C. Collector
D. Gram Panchayat
8. What is the penalty for unauthorized land use under the code?
A. Fine
B. Land confiscation
C. Legal warning
D. Both fine and confiscation
9. What is the tenure for agricultural lease under the code?
A. 5 years
B. 10 years
C. 15 years
D. 20 years
10. Who can appeal a decision made by a Tehsildar?
A. Only landowners
B. Only tenants
C. Any aggrieved party
D. Only government officials
11. What is the document called that lists all landowners in a village?
A. Khasra
B. Khatauni
C. Jamabandi
D. Bhu Pustika
12. Who maintains the records of rights in a village?
A. Tehsildar
B. Patwari
C. Village Head
D. Revenue Inspector
13. What is the maximum time for an appeal under the Land Revenue Code?
A. 15 days
B. 30 days
C. 45 days
D. 60 days
14. What is 'Mutation' in the context of land records?
A. Ownership transfer
B. Revenue collection
C. Tax exemption
D. Land surveying
15. What does the term 'Chakbandi' refer to?
A. Land consolidation
B. Land acquisition
C. Tax adjustment
D. Revenue sharing
16. Which section of the code deals with land acquisition?
A. Section 10
B. Section 50
C. Section 100
D. Section 150
17. What is the role of the Collector in the code?
A. Approving surveys
B. Issuing notices
C. Revenue administration
D. All of the above
18. Which authority supervises the work of Patwaris?
A. Gram Sabha
B. Tehsildar
C. Collector
D. District Judge
19. What is the meaning of 'Bhumi Swami'?
A. Landholder
B. Tenant
C. Landless laborer
D. Village head
20. What is the purpose of a land survey?
A. Determine ownership
B. Assess value
C. Both ownership and boundaries
D. None of the above
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