1. What does Section 18 empower the State Government to do?
A. Lease rights for manufacturing and selling intoxicants
B. Confiscate unauthorized intoxicants
C. Impose fines on licensees
D. Set penalties for intoxicant misuse
2. What happens if a riot occurs near a liquor shop?
A. Shop must close only after orders
B. Shop must close automatically
C. Shop remains open
D. License is revoked
3. What items are subject to confiscation under Section 46?
A. Only intoxicants
B. Only utensils and materials
C. Intoxicants, materials, conveyances, and receptacles
D. Only conveyances
4. At what rates can duty be imposed under Section 25(2)?
A. Flat rate
B. Different rates based on place, quality, and purpose
C. Fixed annual rate
D. Proportional to export quantity
5. What happens if the Gram Sabha prohibits the manufacture, possession, sale, and consumption of intoxicants?
A. New manufactories for intoxicants cannot be established
B. New outlets for sale of intoxicants can be established
C. Existing outlets for intoxicants can remain open
D. Only the sale is prohibited, not the manufacture
6. What should happen when the Gram Sabha passes an order of prohibition?
A. The Gram Panchayat is responsible for enforcement
B. The District Magistrate directly enforces the order
C. The local police enforce the order immediately
D. The decision is enforced by a central authority
7. What is the minimum penalty for altering denatured spirits?
A. 500 rupees
B. 1000 rupees
C. 2000 rupees
D. 5000 rupees
8. Which section of the Criminal Procedure Code governs the release of a person arrested without a warrant on bail?
A. Section 441
B. Section 451
C. Section 460
D. Section 471
9. Which provisions of the Act do not apply to Scheduled Tribes in Scheduled Areas regarding country spirit?
A. Manufacture, possession, and consumption of country spirit
B. Production of intoxicants other than country spirit
C. Possession of imported liquors
D. Selling of country spirit
10. Who is the Chief Revenue Authority according to the Act?
A. Excise Commissioner
B. Collector
C. State Government-declared authority
D. District Magistrate
11. What is 'transport' defined as in the Act?
A. Movement of goods across borders
B. Moving from one place to another within the State
C. Import of goods
D. Export of goods
12. Who appoints the Excise Commissioner as per the Act?
A. Collector
B. State Government
C. Chief Revenue Authority
D. District Magistrate
13. Which section of the Criminal Procedure Code applies to bail when arrested under this Act?
A. Sections 441 to 444
B. Sections 451 to 460
C. Sections 511 to 520
D. Sections 400 to 410
14. Who can establish flying squads as per the Act?
A. Excise Commissioner
B. Collector
C. State Government
D. Chief Revenue Authority
15. What duty is levied on excisable articles under Section 25?
A. Income tax
B. Excise duty or countervailing duty
C. Custom duty
D. Sales tax
16. What is the penalty for possessing unlawful intoxicants under Section 36?
A. Three months imprisonment or fine
B. Five years imprisonment
C. Both imprisonment and fine
D. Confiscation only
17. What is the penalty for transporting intoxicants without permission?
A. Fine only
B. Imprisonment
C. Both fine and imprisonment
D. None
18. What is a key power under Section 31?
A. Canceling or suspending licenses for breach of conditions
B. Granting exemptions
C. Imposing excise tax
D. Regulating transport
19. What does Section 28 specify about licenses?
A. They are permanent
B. They are issued with conditions and fees
C. They are free
D. They require renewal every month
20. What is prohibited under Section 36?
A. Illegal manufacture of alcohol
B. Illegal possession of intoxicants
C. Sale to minors
D. All of these
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