1. Under Section 38, who can be penalized for selling intoxicants to a drunk person?

2. Who decides the quantity limit for possession of intoxicants?

3. What does 'liquor' include as per the Act?

4. Which intoxicant base is explicitly mentioned for control in Section 8(c)?

5. What is the definition of 'bottle' in this Act?

6. Under which act do the provisions related to arrests, detentions, searches, etc. apply in this case?

7. What is the definition of "Gram Panchayat" in the context of this Act?

8. What does Section 10 regulate?

9. What method of levying duty is mentioned in Section 26?

10. What happens if duty is not paid for intoxicants under Section 9?

11. What exclusive privilege can the State Government grant to the Chhattisgarh State Beverages Corporation Limited?

12. What is the penalty for offences not otherwise provided for under Section 37?

13. What is the limitation for taking cognizance of an offence under the Act without special sanction of the State Government?

14. What is required for granting licenses under Chapter VI?

15. Who can require a person to execute a bond for good behaviour under Section 36E?

16. What is the objective of issuing general passes for intoxicants?

17. What does Section 13 prohibit without a license?

18. What is the punishment for assisting in running a common drinking house?

19. What is the punishment for allowing non-medicated intoxicants to be consumed in a chemist’s shop under Section 40?

20. Can passes issued outside the State be valid under this Act?

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