1. What is the time limit for appealing an order of confiscation under Section 47B?

2. What is the State Government empowered to declare under Section 4?

3. What is the minimum fine for mixing noxious drugs with intoxicants under Section 38A?

4. Under Section 44, who is held criminally liable for offences committed by a servant?

5. Who can grant a license for the sale of intoxicants?

6. Can the Gram Sabha reduce the limit for possession of country spirit?

7. Who can prohibit advertisements related to liquor?

8. What is the minimum period for which a person can be detained in custody for an offence related to a quantity of liquor exceeding fifty bulk litres?

9. What is 'denatured' as per the Act?

10. What does 'bottle' mean in the context of this Act?

11. Who can appoint the Excise Commissioner?

12. Under Section 39, what is the fine for failing to produce a license on demand?

13. What powers are granted under Section 52?

14. What is the duty of an officer making an arrest under Section 57?

15. What does Section 24 allow the District Magistrate to do?

16. Who can enhance or reduce lease payments during the financial year?

17. According to the Act, which of the following items must be sealed after being taken as a sample?

18. What is required to sell liquor in military cantonments?

19. What is the limit of retail sale determined by?

20. What is required for the establishment of a new intoxicant manufactory in the jurisdiction of the Gram Sabha?

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