1. What is the time limit for appealing an order of confiscation under Section 47B?
A. 15 days
B. 30 days
C. 45 days
D. 60 days
2. What is the State Government empowered to declare under Section 4?
A. Classification of liquor as country or foreign
B. New excise taxes
C. Limits on retail sales
D. Excise officer roles
3. What is the minimum fine for mixing noxious drugs with intoxicants under Section 38A?
A. 100 rupees
B. 300 rupees
C. 500 rupees
D. 1000 rupees
4. Under Section 44, who is held criminally liable for offences committed by a servant?
A. Only the servant
B. Only the licensee
C. The licensee unless due precautions are proven
D. Both servant and licensee equally
5. Who can grant a license for the sale of intoxicants?
A. Excise Commissioner
B. Collector
C. District Magistrate
D. State Government
6. Can the Gram Sabha reduce the limit for possession of country spirit?
A. Yes, they have the authority to reduce the limit
B. No, the limit is fixed by the State Government
C. Yes, but only if a resolution is passed
D. No, only the District Magistrate can change the limit
7. Who can prohibit advertisements related to liquor?
A. Excise Commissioner
B. Collector
C. State Government
D. Police Officer
8. What is the minimum period for which a person can be detained in custody for an offence related to a quantity of liquor exceeding fifty bulk litres?
A. 60 days
B. 30 days
C. 90 days
D. 120 days
9. What is 'denatured' as per the Act?
A. Unfit for human consumption
B. Fermented liquor
C. Distilled beverage
D. Refined spirit
10. What does 'bottle' mean in the context of this Act?
A. Liquor for immediate consumption
B. Transferring liquor to a receptacle for sale
C. Packaging any liquid
D. Exporting liquor
11. Who can appoint the Excise Commissioner?
A. The State Government
B. The Central Government
C. The Collector
D. The Excise Officer
12. Under Section 39, what is the fine for failing to produce a license on demand?
A. 400 rupees
B. 1000 rupees
C. 2000 rupees
D. 500 rupees
13. What powers are granted under Section 52?
A. Arrest without warrant
B. Seize articles liable to confiscation
C. Search without warrant
D. All of these
14. What is the duty of an officer making an arrest under Section 57?
A. Release the person immediately
B. Send a full report to a Magistrate
C. Confiscate all property
D. Impose a fine
15. What does Section 24 allow the District Magistrate to do?
A. Close shops to preserve public peace
B. Issue licenses for liquor sales
C. Inspect distilleries
D. Seize intoxicants
16. Who can enhance or reduce lease payments during the financial year?
A. Excise Commissioner
B. State Government
C. Collector
D. District Magistrate
17. According to the Act, which of the following items must be sealed after being taken as a sample?
A. The seized articles
B. The arrest warrant
C. The search warrant
D. The bail bond
18. What is required to sell liquor in military cantonments?
A. Approval from the Collector
B. Approval from the Commanding Officer
C. License from Excise Commissioner
D. Permit from State Government
19. What is the limit of retail sale determined by?
A. Collector
B. Excise Commissioner
C. State Government notification
D. District Magistrate
20. What is required for the establishment of a new intoxicant manufactory in the jurisdiction of the Gram Sabha?
A. Consent or permission of the Gram Sabha
B. Approval from the District Magistrate
C. Permission from the State Government
D. Public notice and public hearing
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