1. Under which condition can the Gram Sabha prohibit intoxicants within its jurisdiction?
A. No new intoxicant outlets can be opened
B. Only if the State Government permits
C. Only after a public vote
D. If the police request prohibition
2. What action is required for the release of an arrested person on their own bond according to Section 59?
A. Discretion of the officer releasing them
B. Order of the Magistrate
C. Order of the Excise Officer
D. Public Prosecutor's approval
3. What does 'beer' include as per the Act?
A. Only ale and porter
B. Ale, stout, porter, and all fermented liquors
C. Only malted beverages
D. Only wines and spirits
4. What is the maximum period of detention allowed under the Act for offences under Section 49-A?
A. 120 days
B. 60 days
C. 90 days
D. 150 days
5. Under what conditions can a warehouse be established under Section 14?
A. No conditions
B. Only after excise tax is paid
C. As directed by the State Government
D. After police clearance
6. What is the primary role of the Excise Commissioner?
A. To collect income tax
B. To superintend the Excise Department
C. To oversee police activities
D. To manage state treasury
7. What does 'excisable article' include?
A. Only liquor
B. Alcoholic liquor and intoxicating drugs
C. Tari only
D. Imported wines only
8. Which section defines 'country liquor'?
A. Section 2
B. Section 4
C. Section 6
D. Section 10
9. What does 'denatured' mean in the context of the Act?
A. Unfit for human consumption
B. Fermented liquor
C. Tax-free liquor
D. Customs liquor
10. What is the maximum period a person can be detained during an investigation for an offence under Section 49-A?
A. 60 days
B. 90 days
C. 120 days
D. 180 days
11. According to Section 61B, what is the definition of "Scheduled Tribes"?
A. Tribes specified under Article 342 of the Constitution of India
B. Tribes recognized by the State Government
C. Tribes involved in the manufacturing of intoxicants
D. Tribes registered in the National Tribal Register
12. What quantity of liquor is mentioned as a threshold for restrictions on bail in Section 59-A?
A. Five bulk litres
B. Ten bulk litres
C. Twenty bulk litres
D. One bulk litre
13. What does 'beer' include as per the Act?
A. Only ale and porter
B. Only malt beverages
C. Ale, stout, porter, and fermented liquors
D. Any alcoholic beverage
14. What is the penalty for repeat offences causing injury under Section 49A?
A. Imprisonment up to 4 years
B. Imprisonment up to 6 years
C. Imprisonment up to 8 years
D. Imprisonment up to 10 years
15. Who can inspect places of manufacture and sale under Section 51?
A. Excise Commissioner
B. Collector
C. Police Officer
D. All of these
16. What is the condition under which the Gram Sabha's prohibition order does not apply to an existing manufactory?
A. The manufactory was established prior to the provisions of this chapter
B. The manufactory is licensed by the State Government
C. The manufactory is owned by a Tribal member
D. The manufactory is for domestic use only
17. What happens when a person is arrested without a warrant under this Act?
A. They are immediately released on bail
B. They must be produced before an Excise Officer or police station officer
C. They can apply for anticipatory bail
D. They are not allowed any bail
18. What is the enhanced punishment for repeat offences under Section 45?
A. Double the fine
B. Double the imprisonment and fine
C. Triple the fine
D. Lifetime imprisonment
19. Who must the Magistrate inform when issuing shop closure orders?
A. Excise Commissioner
B. Collector
C. State Government
D. Police Officer
20. What is the penalty for removing intoxicants without payment of duty?
A. Fine only
B. Imprisonment only
C. Both fine and imprisonment
D. None of these
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