1. Under which condition can the Gram Sabha prohibit intoxicants within its jurisdiction?

2. What action is required for the release of an arrested person on their own bond according to Section 59?

3. What does 'beer' include as per the Act?

4. What is the maximum period of detention allowed under the Act for offences under Section 49-A?

5. Under what conditions can a warehouse be established under Section 14?

6. What is the primary role of the Excise Commissioner?

7. What does 'excisable article' include?

8. Which section defines 'country liquor'?

9. What does 'denatured' mean in the context of the Act?

10. What is the maximum period a person can be detained during an investigation for an offence under Section 49-A?

11. According to Section 61B, what is the definition of "Scheduled Tribes"?

12. What quantity of liquor is mentioned as a threshold for restrictions on bail in Section 59-A?

13. What does 'beer' include as per the Act?

14. What is the penalty for repeat offences causing injury under Section 49A?

15. Who can inspect places of manufacture and sale under Section 51?

16. What is the condition under which the Gram Sabha's prohibition order does not apply to an existing manufactory?

17. What happens when a person is arrested without a warrant under this Act?

18. What is the enhanced punishment for repeat offences under Section 45?

19. Who must the Magistrate inform when issuing shop closure orders?

20. What is the penalty for removing intoxicants without payment of duty?

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