1. What is the minimum age for male employees at licensed premises for liquor consumption?
A. 18 years
B. 19 years
C. 20 years
D. 21 years
2. What jurisdiction does a flying squad have?
A. National level
B. Defined area as per notification
C. District level
D. City level
3. What happens when duty rates are enhanced or reduced after payment?
A. No action
B. Difference is refundable or payable
C. Penalties are imposed
D. License is revoked
4. What is the penalty for being drunk in a common drinking house?
A. 500 rupees
B. 1000 rupees
C. 2000 rupees
D. No penalty
5. Which court can order a bond to abstain from offences under Section 36D?
A. Appellate Court
B. High Court
C. Magistrate
D. Both Appellate Court and High Court
6. Who can establish a distillery for manufacturing spirits?
A. Collector
B. Excise Commissioner
C. State Magistrate
D. Chief Revenue Authority
7. Who enforces the decisions made by the Gram Sabha regarding intoxicants?
A. Gram Panchayat
B. State Government Enforcement Agencies
C. Excise Officer
D. Police
8. What can the State Government prohibit under Section 8(b)?
A. Sale of liquor
B. Transport of intoxicants
C. Consumption of alcohol
D. Storage of liquor
9. What Act's provisions are not affected by this Act?
A. Sea Customs Act, 1878
B. Indian Penal Code, 1860
C. Income Tax Act, 1961
D. Companies Act, 2013
10. What does 'tari' refer to in the Act?
A. Juice from palm trees
B. Distilled liquor
C. Blended spirit
D. Fermented grains
11. Which excisable articles are exempted from duty as per Section 25?
A. Medicinal and toilet preparations
B. Imported goods
C. Exported goods
D. All goods
12. What does 'liquor' include as per the Act?
A. Only spirits and wine
B. All liquids containing alcohol
C. Imported alcohol only
D. Fermented beverages only
13. What does the term 'sale' include in the Act?
A. Only gift transfers
B. Transfer other than gifts
C. Wholesale only
D. Retail only
14. What is required to manufacture intoxicants under this Act?
A. A government grant
B. A valid license
C. A police permit
D. Excise tax payment
15. What is the minimum age for selling liquor to a person under Section 23?
A. 18 years
B. 19 years
C. 20 years
D. 21 years
16. What is the role of the Collector in licensing?
A. Grants passes for transport
B. Issues distillery licenses
C. Monitors alcohol sales
D. Audits excise revenue
17. Under which section can a complaint or report be made for offences under Section 37, 38, 38-A, and 39?
A. Section 61
B. Section 60
C. Section 62
D. Section 63
18. Under what condition can intoxicants be transported as per Section 9?
A. With police permission
B. Without any restrictions
C. After paying applicable duty or bond execution
D. Only within cities
19. What is the penalty for unlawful possession of intoxicants?
A. Fine only
B. Imprisonment up to 3 months
C. Imprisonment and fine
D. Warning
20. Which of the following is a provision related to the disposal of things seized under this Act?
A. The officer in charge of the police station shall keep them in safe custody
B. They must be destroyed immediately
C. They are returned to the original owner
D. They are sold at public auction
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