1. What is the minimum age for male employees at licensed premises for liquor consumption?

2. What jurisdiction does a flying squad have?

3. What happens when duty rates are enhanced or reduced after payment?

4. What is the penalty for being drunk in a common drinking house?

5. Which court can order a bond to abstain from offences under Section 36D?

6. Who can establish a distillery for manufacturing spirits?

7. Who enforces the decisions made by the Gram Sabha regarding intoxicants?

8. What can the State Government prohibit under Section 8(b)?

9. What Act's provisions are not affected by this Act?

10. What does 'tari' refer to in the Act?

11. Which excisable articles are exempted from duty as per Section 25?

12. What does 'liquor' include as per the Act?

13. What does the term 'sale' include in the Act?

14. What is required to manufacture intoxicants under this Act?

15. What is the minimum age for selling liquor to a person under Section 23?

16. What is the role of the Collector in licensing?

17. Under which section can a complaint or report be made for offences under Section 37, 38, 38-A, and 39?

18. Under what condition can intoxicants be transported as per Section 9?

19. What is the penalty for unlawful possession of intoxicants?

20. Which of the following is a provision related to the disposal of things seized under this Act?

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