1. What is the penalty for creating nuisance after consuming alcohol at public places under Section 36F?
A. 5000 rupees
B. 10000 rupees
C. 25000 rupees and 3 months imprisonment
D. 20000 rupees
2. What does 'place' include according to the Act?
A. House or building only
B. House, tent, vessel, and vehicle
C. Building and shop only
D. Public areas only
3. What type of passes can the Excise Commissioner issue?
A. Temporary only
B. General or special
C. Only annual passes
D. None
4. In which case can the Gram Panchayat seek assistance from the Sub-Divisional Magistrate or an authorized officer?
A. When enforcement assistance is needed for a prohibition order
B. When a new intoxicant outlet is proposed
C. When the Gram Sabha cannot reach a decision
D. When an intoxicant sale is disputed
5. What is 'tari' as per the Act?
A. Palm tree juice
B. Distilled liquor
C. Blended spirit
D. Unrefined sugarcane juice
6. What is the penalty if liquor causes injury under Section 49A?
A. Imprisonment up to 2 years
B. Imprisonment up to 4 years
C. Imprisonment up to 6 years
D. Imprisonment up to 10 years
7. What is required for importing intoxicants exceeding prescribed quantities?
A. Approval from Collector
B. A pass issued under this Act
C. A letter from the Excise Commissioner
D. Police verification
8. Under which section is bail not granted for a person accused of a non-bailable offence?
A. Section 59-A
B. Section 59
C. Section 60
D. Section 49-A
9. What is the purpose of flying squads established under Section 7A?
A. To monitor import activities
B. To investigate evasion of excise revenue
C. To conduct raids on illegal transport
D. To manage excise licenses
10. What does Section 42 penalize?
A. Attempts to commit offences
B. Possession of licenses
C. Failure to pay fees
D. Illegal exports
11. What authority determines technical defects in licenses?
A. Collector
B. Excise Commissioner
C. District Magistrate
D. State Government
12. Who decides the kinds of intoxicants for which passes are issued?
A. District Magistrate
B. Excise Commissioner
C. Collector
D. Police Officer
13. Who is referred to as 'Chief Revenue Authority' in the Act?
A. Excise Commissioner
B. District Magistrate
C. State Government-appointed authority
D. Collector
14. What is the minimum penalty for permitting a place for illegal activities?
A. 200 rupees
B. 500 rupees
C. 1000 rupees
D. 2000 rupees
15. What are 'intoxicating drugs' defined as under this Act?
A. Bhang and opium only
B. Cannabis and other notified narcotics
C. Only medicinal drugs
D. Synthetic drugs only
16. What is the punishment for obstructing an officer under Section 54A?
A. Fine only
B. Arrest without warrant
C. Imprisonment and fine
D. Community service
17. Which intoxicant is considered 'country liquor' under the Act?
A. Imported spirits
B. Tari and similar locally produced liquors
C. Blended spirits
D. Exported wine
18. Who can issue a warrant for the arrest of offenders under Section 53?
A. Excise Commissioner
B. Collector
C. Magistrate
D. High Court
19. An officer in charge of a police station is responsible for which of the following?
A. Taking charge of seized articles
B. Conducting arrests without warrants
C. Issuing search warrants
D. Serving summons
20. Under Section 41, who is deemed liable for the manufacture or sale of intoxicants?
A. Only the person in possession
B. Only the actual manufacturer
C. The person on whose account it was done
D. Only licensed vendors
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