1. What is the penalty for creating nuisance after consuming alcohol at public places under Section 36F?

2. What does 'place' include according to the Act?

3. What type of passes can the Excise Commissioner issue?

4. In which case can the Gram Panchayat seek assistance from the Sub-Divisional Magistrate or an authorized officer?

5. What is 'tari' as per the Act?

6. What is the penalty if liquor causes injury under Section 49A?

7. What is required for importing intoxicants exceeding prescribed quantities?

8. Under which section is bail not granted for a person accused of a non-bailable offence?

9. What is the purpose of flying squads established under Section 7A?

10. What does Section 42 penalize?

11. What authority determines technical defects in licenses?

12. Who decides the kinds of intoxicants for which passes are issued?

13. Who is referred to as 'Chief Revenue Authority' in the Act?

14. What is the minimum penalty for permitting a place for illegal activities?

15. What are 'intoxicating drugs' defined as under this Act?

16. What is the punishment for obstructing an officer under Section 54A?

17. Which intoxicant is considered 'country liquor' under the Act?

18. Who can issue a warrant for the arrest of offenders under Section 53?

19. An officer in charge of a police station is responsible for which of the following?

20. Under Section 41, who is deemed liable for the manufacture or sale of intoxicants?

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