1. Under Section 59, what must happen if a person arrested under this Act wishes to be released on bail?
A. They must be presented before an officer with bail authority
B. They must be taken before a Magistrate
C. They must stay in custody until trial
D. They must pay a fine
2. What is the definition of 'spirit' in the Act?
A. Liquor obtained by fermentation
B. Liquor containing alcohol obtained by distillation
C. Blended alcoholic beverages
D. Unrefined alcohol
3. What is included in advertisements prohibited under Section 23A?
A. Only posters
B. Notices, circulars, labels, and announcements
C. Pamphlets only
D. Cinema advertisements only
4. What is the maximum duration for which a bond to abstain from offences can be ordered under Section 36D?
A. One year
B. Two years
C. Three years
D. Five years
5. What is the maximum limit of country spirit possession allowed per household for Scheduled Tribes in Scheduled Areas?
A. 5 liters per household
B. 10 liters per household
C. 2 liters per household
D. 1 liter per household
6. What power does the Gram Sabha have regarding intoxicants?
A. Regulate and prohibit manufacture, possession, transport, sale, and consumption of intoxicants
B. Only regulate the sale of intoxicants
C. Only prohibit the consumption of intoxicants
D. Only regulate the transportation of intoxicants
7. What happens to fees paid if a license is withdrawn under Section 32?
A. Not refunded
B. Fully refunded
C. Partially refunded
D. Refunded with interest
8. Who can impose conditions for the import or export of intoxicants?
A. State Government
B. Excise Officer
C. Chief Revenue Authority
D. Collector
9. What is presumed under Section 43 in prosecutions under Sections 34, 35, and 36?
A. The accused is guilty until proven innocent
B. The intoxicants were lawfully possessed
C. The accused committed an offence unless proven otherwise
D. The prosecution has no burden of proof
10. What is the punishment for obstructing an excise officer under Section 40A?
A. 1 year imprisonment
B. 2 years imprisonment or 2000 rupees fine
C. 3 months imprisonment
D. 5000 rupees fine
11. A person accused of an offence under Section 49-A cannot apply for anticipatory bail according to which clause?
A. Clause (i)
B. Clause (ii)
C. Clause (iii)
D. Clause (iv)
12. What does "Scheduled Areas" refer to in this Act?
A. Areas as referred to in Article 244 of the Constitution of India
B. Areas under the jurisdiction of Gram Panchayat
C. Areas designated by the State Government
D. Areas under the control of Tribal Authorities
13. Under Section 54, when can an officer search without a warrant?
A. With permission from higher authorities
B. Only during the day
C. If obtaining a warrant could aid the offender's escape
D. If there is a public complaint
14. What does 'excise duty' mean in the Act?
A. Tax on imported goods
B. Duty on excisable articles
C. Sales tax on alcohol
D. Custom duty on liquor
15. What does Section 59-A state regarding bail for certain offences under the Act?
A. Some offences are non-bailable
B. All offences are bailable
C. Bail is always granted for offences
D. Only minor offences are non-bailable
16. What does Section 36A penalize?
A. Opening a common drinking house
B. Tapping toddy trees
C. Illegal transportation
D. Manufacturing without a license
17. What happens if a report of complaint is not filed after the maximum detention period?
A. The accused shall be released on bail
B. The accused shall face further detention
C. The case is automatically dismissed
D. The accused is held for trial
18. Which body has the power to issue licenses for manufacturing intoxicants?
A. District Magistrate
B. Collector
C. Excise Commissioner
D. State Government
19. Which officer can tender a pardon to an accused person in case of multiple prosecutions for an offence under the Act?
A. Chief Judicial Magistrate
B. District Magistrate
C. Excise Officer
D. Police Officer
20. If the Gram Sabha passes a prohibition order, when will existing outlets for intoxicants be closed?
A. First day of the next financial year
B. Immediately after the order is passed
C. Within three months of the order
D. After one year from the order
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