1. What is Section 27 primarily about?

2. Who can affix a seal to the seized articles according to the Act?

3. What is prohibited under Section 22?

4. What is the prescribed penalty for selling liquor without a license?

5. Who grants licenses for manufacturing under a lease?

6. What authority decides confiscation in cases where the offender is unknown under Section 47?

7. What is the penalty for selling liquor to a person under 21 years of age?

8. What is the penalty if liquor causes death under Section 49A?

9. Can the State Government delegate its powers under this Act?

10. What is the purpose of a pass as per the Act?

11. What is the punishment for unlawful manufacture of intoxicants?

12. What is the role of the Chief Judicial Magistrate regarding the tender of pardon?

13. Who has the power to exempt excisable articles from duty?

14. What does Section 8(a) empower the State Government to prohibit?

15. What is the penalty for consuming alcohol at public places for the first offence under Section 36F?

16. Who can grant passes for the transport of intoxicants?

17. Who defines 'excise duty' as per the Act?

18. What is the penalty for second offences involving death under Section 49A?

19. What is the purpose of the tender of pardon under Section 61A?

20. Who can prescribe the quantity limits for possession of intoxicants?

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