1. Omnibus means any motor vehicle constructed or adapted to carry:
A. More than 5 persons including the driver
B. More than 5 persons excluding the driver
C. More than 6 persons including the driver
D. More than 6 persons excluding the driver
2. Where is the petition for motor accident presented:
A. Where the claimant resides or carries on the business
B. Where the non-applicant resides
C. Where the accident has taken place
D. All of these places
3. The duty of the driver of vehicle or other person in charge of the vehicle, in case of injury to any person as a result of accident by that vehicle is given under section ………………..
A. 130
B. 136
C. 132
D. 134
4. Chapter 10 of this act, containing sec 140-144, regarding liability without fault in certain cases in.....
A. Substituted by the amendment in 2019
B. Omitted by amendment in 2019
C. Not amended in 2019
D. Only sec 140 and 141 omitted by amendment in 2019
5. Which section of this act defines e-cart and e-rickshaw?
A. Sec 2(5)
B. Sec 2(18)
C. Sec 2(2A)
D. Sec 2(B)
6. Driving by a drunken person or by a person under the influence of the drugs on second or subsequent conviction, be punishable with.
A. Imprisonment upto 1 yr/ fine upto 10,000 rupees or both
B. Imprisonment upto 2 yr/ fine upto 15,000 rupees or both
C. Imprisonment upto 3 yr/ fine upto 10,000 rupees or both
D. Imprisonment upto 4 yr/ fine upto 20,000 rupees or both
7. Under this act, a learner's license be effective for a period of…………..?
A. 3 months
B. 6 months
C. 1 year
D. Till the attainment of age of 18 yrs
8. A person of which age cannot drive a motor vehicle in any public place?
A. Below 16
B. Below 17
C. Below 18
D. Below 21
9. The claims tribunal shall treat any report of accidents forwarded to it under section ……………. of this act as an application for compensation:
A. 159
B. 160
C. 161
D. 162
10. The compensation amount payable to women or minors shall be deposited in beneficial long term fixed deposits, was laid down in the case of.....
A. Govind Yadav v. National India Insurance Co. Ltd
B. Mahesh Soni V. Ram Avatar Tomar
C. National India Insurance Company Ltd. V. Indira Shrivastava
D. Gen. Manager Kerala SRTC v. Shusamma Thomas
11. Which of the following is required for a person to operate a commercial vehicle under the Motor Vehicles Act?
A. A driving license for private vehicles
B. A valid commercial driver's license
C. A learner's license
D. A permit from the police
12. Vehicle owner under this act means
A. The person investing money for the purchase of vehicle
B. The person who is in legal possession of the vehicle
C. Registered owner
D. Authorized driver
13. Which of the following is NOT a traffic violation under the Motor Vehicles Act?
A. Jumping red light
B. Driving under the influence of alcohol
C. Not wearing a seatbelt
D. Honking in no-honk zones
14. Under this act, heavy goods vehicle is one, of which unladen weight exceeds:
A. 12,000 kg
B. 15,000 kg
C. 18,000 kg
D. 20,000 kg
15. Where any claim is allowed, which type of interest shall be imposed on awarded amount?
A. Compound interest
B. Simple interest
C. Both a and b
D. No interest can be imposed
16. Which section of this act provides for, necessity for driving license?
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
17. Which section of the act provides for the National Registration of the motor vehicle
A. 62A
B. 62B
C. 63A
D. 64A
18. National road safety board shall be constituted by
A. Central govt
B. State govt
D. National road safety council
19. Which section of this act confers duty to obey traffic signs on every driver of a motor vehicle?
A. 119
B. 120
C. 121
D. 122
20. Dealer in this act, includes a person who is engaged:
A. In building bodies for attachment to Chassis only
B. In repair of motor vehicle only
C. In the business of hypothecation, leasing or hire purchase or motor vehicles only
D. All are correct
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