1. The application of this act extends to whole of India except ?
A. North east India
B. Whole of India
C. J&K
D. Tribal Areas
2. The licensing authority has power to disqualify from holding a driving license or revoke such license if it is satisfied after giving the license holder an opportunity of being heard under this act.
A. 29
B. 39
C. 49
D. 19
3. The unladen weight of light motor vehicle does not exceed:
A. 6000 kg
B. 7500 kg
C. 8000 kg
D. 9000 kg
4. When an insured motor vehicle is transferred by an owner to another person, the certificate of insurance too is deemed to have transferred in favor of the person to whom the motor vehicle is transferred w.e.f the date of its transfer. This statement is:
A. False
B. Partially true
C. True
D. None
5. Section 134 A of this act gives protection from any civil or criminal, action to....
A. Good Samaritans
B. Senior citizens
C. Public servants
D. All of the above.
6. Minimum fine for driving a vehicle without registration is
A. Rs. 1000
B. Rs. 2000
C. Rs. 3000
D. Rs. 5000
7. Where the holder of a permit dies, the person succeeding to the possession of the vehicle covered by the permit ………….
A. May use the permit as if it had been granted to himself, for the remaining period of validity of permit.
B. May use the permit as if it had been granted to himself, for a period of 6 months
C. May use the permit as if it had been granted to himself, for a period of 6 months
D. May not use the permit from the date of death of the permit holder.
8. A child of up to which age have to wear a protective head gear while riding or being carried on a motorcycle with his or her master?
A. 3 yr
B. 4 yrs
C. 8 yrs
D. 12 yrs
9. Under this act, which of the following act shall be considered as driving dangerously?
A. Jumping a red light
B. Violating a stop light
C. Use of hand held communication devices while driving
D. All of the above
10. Which of the following is a requirement for obtaining a driving license in India?
A. No criminal record
B. Minimum age of 21
C. Proof of income
D. Proof of residence
11. Who shall constitute motor accident claims tribunal?
A. Central govt
B. State govt
D. Both a and b above
12. A child of up to which age has to wear a protective headgear while riding or being carried on a motorcycle with his or her master
A. 3 yr
B. 4 yrs
C. 8 yrs
D. 12 yrs
13. Which section of this act provides for power to arrest without warrant?
A. 201
B. 202
C. 203
D. None
14. For which offence under this act, police may arrest without warrant?
A. Driving the vehicle with holding valid license
B. Driving a vehicle without wearing helmet or safety belt
C. Driving vehicle under the influence of drugs
D. Driving uninsured vehicle
15. Where an offence under this act has been committed by a juvenile, who shall be deemed to be guilty of contravention?
A. The guardian of such juvenile
B. The owner of the motor vehicle
C. Juvenile himself
D. Either a or b above
16. The nature, syllabus and duration of the driver refresher training course shall be prescribed by?
A. Central Govt
B. State Govt
C. Licensing Authority
D. Either a or b
17. In which of the following conditions, the registering authority may suspend the certificate of registration of a vehicle?
A. If the vehicle is in such a condition that its use in a public place would constitute a danger to the public
B. If it fails to comply with the requirement of the MV act of the rules made there under
C. Has been or is being used for hire or reward without a valid permit for being used as such
D. Any of the above
18. Under the Motor Vehicles Act, which of the following vehicles requires a fitness certificate?
A. Private cars
B. Two-wheelers
C. Heavy goods vehicles
D. Electric vehicles
19. Under section 13 of this act, which of the following statement is correct?
A. A learners license or a driving license issued under this act shall be effective throughout India
B. A learners license or a driving license issued under this act shall be effective throughout the state
C. A learners license or a driving license issued under this act shall be effective throughout only the city of issuance
D. A learners license or a driving license issued under this act shall be effective throughout the district where issue
20. Which of the following chapter of this act provides for 'offences, penalty and procedure'
A. 11
B. 12
C. 13
D. 14
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