1. Which section of this act provides for award of compensatory costs in certain cases?

2. Where the applicant does not pass the driving test even after three appearances, he shall not be qualified to re-appear for such test before the expiry of period of …………..

3. Under section 13 of this act, which of the following statement is correct?

4. Provision for the necessity of license for conductor of stage carriage is contained under MV Act in:

5. The hours of work of any person engaged for operating a transport vehicle shall be such as provided in.....

6. Conductor's license, according to this act means the license issued by the competent authority under:

7. Driving a vehicle without wearing a safety belt is punishable with a fine of:

8. Which of the following documents must be carried while driving a motor vehicle?

9. Articulated vehicle means a motor vehicle to which:

10. Whom amongst the following persons would not be entitled to make an application for compensation arising out of an accident of the nature specified u/s 165(1) of this act

11. Which section of this act, confers duty on every driver of a motor vehicle to produce license and certificate of registration on demand by any police officer?

12. IF the owner of a motor vehicle ceases to reside at the address recorded in the certificate of the registration of the vehicle, he shall intimate his new address, to the registering authority:

13. Which section of this act makes it necessary for the registration of the vehicle

14. A person aggrieved by an order of a state transport authority or regional transport authority may apply for revisions to state transport appellate tribunal within …………..


16. Failure to allow, free passage to emergency vehicles is an offence punishable with:

17. Schedule 1 of this act contains:

18. A permit other than a temporary permit issued under section 87 or a special permit issued under section 88(8) shall be effective from the date of issuance or renewal thereof, for a period of…….. yrs

19. Person shall not be qualified for appointment as a member of a claim tribunal unless he....

20. Under the Motor Vehicles Act, what is the maximum fine for a person who drives a vehicle without a valid license?

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