1. Conductor's license, according to this act means the license issued by the competent authority under:

2. Under which section of this act, the civil court has been barred from entertaining any question relating to any claim for compensation which may be adjudicated upon by the claim tribunal for that area?

3. A motorcycle with an engine capacity not exceeding 50 cc may be driven in a public place by a person after attaining the age of

4. A person of which age cannot drive a motor vehicle in any public place?

5. Which one of the following cannot file an application for compensation?

6. The limitation for filing an application under sec 166 of this act is:

7. Looking to the provisions of this act, whether a person below the age of 16 yrs can drive a vehicle at a public place?

8. Looking to the provisions of this act, whether a person below the age of 16 yrs can drive a vehicle at a public place?

9. This act came into force on:

10. Crucial amendments have been made in this act by:

11. Driving a vehicle at excessive speed is an offence punishable under section:

12. Vehicle owner under this act means

13. Crucial amendments have been made in this act by:

14. Dealer in this act, includes a person who is engaged:

15. National road safety board shall render advice to-

16. Allowing unauthorized persons to drive vehicle is an offence punishable with:

17. Which authority is responsible for enforcing the provisions of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988?

18. In case of hit and run in motor accident cases, special provisions have been made for compensation to the victim or his LRs under sec…….of this act

19. Driving a motor vehicle without holding a valid license is an offence punishable with

20. Whom amongst the following persons would not be entitled to make an application for compensation arising out of an accident of the nature specified u/s 165(1) of this act?

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The questions in this MCQ quiz are intended solely for educational purposes. While we strive to ensure the accuracy of the content, the information provided may not always be up-to-date or complete. The quiz creators are not liable for any misunderstandings, errors, or any consequences arising from the use of this quiz. Participants should verify any information independently before relying on it for any critical decision-making.

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