1. Driving by a drunken Peron or by person under the influence of drugs is an offence punishable with
A. Imprisonment upto 3 months/ fine upto 5,000 rupees or both
B. Imprisonment upto 3 months / fine upto 10,000 rupees or both
C. Imprisonment upto 6 months / fine upto 10,000 rupees or both
D. Imprisonment upto 6 months / fine upto 20,000 rupees or both
2. Under section 202(2) of this act, a police officer in uniform may arrest without warrant any person, who has committed an offence under this act, if such person-
A. Refuses to give his name and address
B. Refuses to show driving license
C. Refuses to show registration of vehicles
D. Refuses to show certificate of the insurance
3. Under which section of this act, state govt has been empowered to frame rules?
A. 110
B. 109
C. 111
D. 115
4. Which section of the Motor Vehicles Act refers to the 'accident' insurance of vehicles?
A. Section 146
B. Section 147
C. Section 150
D. Section 160
5. Certificate of registration under this act means, the certificate issued by the competent authority to the effect that motor vehicle is registered in accordance of provisions of:
A. Chapter 6
B. Chapter 7
C. Chapter 8
D. Chapter 4
6. Which section of the Motor Vehicles Act talks about the 'overspeeding' of vehicles?
A. Section 111
B. Section 119
C. Section 134
D. Section 184
7. As per section 173 of this act limitation period for filing of appeal against the award of the claims tribunal is prescribed......
A. 60 days
B. 90 days
C. 120 days
D. 180 days
8. Which section of this act provides for cancellation of registration?
A. 54
B. 55
C. 56
D. 57
9. Under sec 89 of this act, any person aggrieved by the refusal of the state or a regional transport authority to grant a permit, may appeal to?
A. State transport appellate tribunal
B. National transport appellate tribunal
C. State govt
10. Under the Motor Vehicles Act, what is the penalty for driving without a helmet in India?
A. ₹500
B. ₹1000
C. ₹2000
D. ₹3000
11. 'Hit and Run' motor accident is defined under section…..
A. 145
B. 146
C. 147
D. 148
12. Which section of this act provides for the national register of driving licenses?
A. 25
B. 25A
C. 26
D. 26A
13. Impleading insurer in certain cases is provided in which section of the act?
A. 166
B. 145
C. 147
D. 170
14. Which section of this act provides for the appointment of motor vehicle officers?
A. 121
B. 213
C. 214
D. 215
15. What should be deductible for determination of just compensation in death case under this act?
A. The amount paid by the LIC
B. The amount paid by the employer as gratuity and leave encashment
C. The amount paid as ex-gratia
D. The amount which would have been spent by the deceased had he been alive
16. In case of award, the person who is required to pay, any amount in terms of such award, shall deposit the entire amount within:
A. 30 days
B. 60 days
C. 6 months
D. After filing of execution application
17. Which section of the Motor Vehicles Act is related to the licensing of drivers?
A. Section 11
B. Section 14
C. Section 15
D. Section 17
18. What is the minimum age to obtain a learner's license for a motor vehicle in India?
A. 16 years
B. 18 years
C. 20 years
D. 21 years
19. Under this act, a learner's license is effective for a period of
A. 3 months
B. 6 months
C. 1 year
D. Till the attainment of the age of 18 yrs
20. Who cant file an application for compensation under section 166 of this act?
A. Person who sustained bodily injury
B. Owner of the property damaged
C. Legal representative of the deceased
D. Owner of the offending vehicle
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