1. Heavy passenger motor vehicle under this act means any public or private service vehicle whose gross vehicle weight exceeds:

2. Under this act, e-cart and e-rickshaw is a battery powered vehicle of power not exceeding:

3. Which section of this act provides for the constitution of national road safety board?

4. This act came into force on:

5. Heavy passenger motor vehicle under this act means any public or private service vehicle whose gross vehicle weight exceeds:

6. Which section of this act provides for bearing of protective headgear?

7. Certificate of registration under this act means, the certificate issued by the competent authority to the effect that motor vehicle is registered in accordance of provisions of:

8. Which section of the act provides for the constitution of claims tribunal

9. Penalty for not wearing protective headgear is:

10. Driving uninsured vehicle is punishable with:

11. Which section of this act defines e-cart and e-rickshaw?

12. Which of the following vehicles is required to have a valid pollution control certificate under the Motor Vehicles Act?

13. Under which section of this act a person can be punished for contravention of any provision, rule, regulation or notification for which no penalty is provided?

14. Which section of the act provides for the constitution of claims tribunal?

15. Which is the minimum fine for driving a light motor vehicle in contravention of prescribed limits?

16. Which of the following can lead to suspension of a driver's license under the Motor Vehicles Act?

17. Any person aggrieved by the order of suspension or cancellation may appeal to the appellate authority within

18. Where an offence under this act has been committed by a juvenile, who shall be deemed to be guilty of contravention

19. Which section of the act provides for the National Registration of the motor vehicle?

20. Impleading insurer in certain cases is provided in which section of the act

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