1. Leaving the motor vehicle in dangerous position is prohibited under section...... of the act.
A. 121
B. 122
C. 123
D. 124
2. Which of the following entries is not compulsory in the register made for driving license?
A. Name and address of the licensee
B. Seriai number of the license
C. Date of birth of the licensee
D. Date of issue and renewal of the license
3. The application of this act extends to whole of India except?
A. North east India
B. Whole of India
C. J&K
D. Tribal Areas
4. No appeal shall lie against any award of the claim tribunal if the amount in dispute in the appeal is-
A. Less than Rs. 10,000
B. Less than Rs. 25,000
C. Less than Rs. 50,000
D. Less than Rs. 1,00,000
5. The licensing authority has power to disqualify from holding a driving license or revoke such license if it is satisfied after giving the license holder an opportunity of being heard under this act.
A. 29
B. 39
C. 49
D. 19
6. No appeal by the person, who is required to pay any amount in terms of award of claims tribunal shall be entertained by the high court unless he has deposited with it …………
A. Rs 25,000
B. 25% of the amount deposited
C. Either a or whichever is less
D. Either a or b whichever is more
7. Who cannot file an application for compensation under section 166 of this act?
A. The injured person
B. The owner of the property
C. The LR of the deceased
D. A public spirited person
8. Where the death of, or bodily injury to, any person is caused, it gives rise to a claim for compensation under this act and also under the workmen compensation act 1923, the person entitled to compensation may claim such compensation:
A. Under MV act 1988 only
B. Under workmen compensation act 1923 only
C. Under either of those acts
D. Under both the acts
9. A person drives an unregistered vehicle on public road or allows another person to use his vehicle which is unregistered. What sentence can be awarded to him?
A. Fine, upto Rs. 5000
B. Imprisonment upto 1 yr
C. 1 yr imprisonment and fine of Rs. 10,000
D. 6 month imprisonment and fine of Rs. 2000
10. Where the applicant for driving license does not pass the test, he may be permitted to re-appear for the test after a period of......days
A. 3 days
B. 7 days
C. 10 days
D. 15 days
11. MV Accident Fund shall be constituted by:
A. Central govt
B. State govt
C. Motor accident claims tribunal
D. Both a and b above
12. Subject to the provisions of section 18 of this act, no person shall drive transport vehicle in any public place unless he attains the age of ……………..
A. 18 yrs
B. 25 yrs
C. 20 yrs
D. 22 yrs
13. Any person aggrieved by the order of suspension or cancellation may appeal to the appellate authority within?
A. 60 days
B. 45 days
C. 30 days
D. 15 days
14. The unladen weight of light motor vehicle does not exceed
A. 6000 kg
B. 7500 kg
C. 8000 kg
D. 9000 kg
15. Under which section of this act, jurisdiction of civil court regarding grant of permit or license issued under any scheme is barred?
A. 93
B. 94
C. 95
D. 96
16. Motor accident claims tribunal can award just compensation ……………….
A. Irrespective of the fact that it exceeds the amount claimed
B. It must not exceed the amount claimed
C. It must not be more than 10lac
D. It must not be beyond the capacity of the non applicant
17. How long is a learner's license valid under the Motor Vehicles Act?
A. 3 months
B. 6 months
C. 1 year
D. 5 years
18. In case of hit and run in motor accident cases, special provisions have been made for compensation to victim or his LRs under sec…….of this act?
A. 160
B. 170
C. 161
D. 158
19. What is the penalty for not wearing a seatbelt while driving according to the Motor Vehicles Act?
A. ₹500
B. ₹1000
C. ₹2000
D. ₹5000
20. National road safety board shall be constituted by?
A. Central govt
B. State govt
D. National road safety council
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