1. As per the second schedule of this act what is the amount of minimum compensation in case of permanent disability?
A. Rs. 25000
B. Rs 50000
C. Rs. 5Lac
D. Rs. 1 lac
2. No person shall be granted a learners license to drive a transport vehicle, unless he has held a driving license to drive a light motor vehicle for at least....
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 5
3. If the person obtaining the driving license, either originally or renewal thereof, has not attained the age of 30 years on the date of issue or, renewal thereof, the driving license be effective until the date on which such person attains the age of ………………….
A. 40
B. 45
C. 50
D. 60
4. Under section 158 of this act, which of the following document is not necessary to produce to any police officer by any person driving a motor vehicle (other than transport vehicle) in any public place?
A. Certificate of registration
B. Pollution under control certificate
C. Certificate of insurance
D. Certificate of fitness and permit
5. Under chapter 6 of this act, 'road transport service' means a service of motor vehicles for carrying ……………..
A. Passengers'
B. Goods
C. Govt. supplies
D. Both a and b
6. Under this act, heavy goods vehicle is one, of which unladen weight exceeds:
A. 12,000 kg
B. 15,000 kg
C. 18,000 kg
D. 20,000 kg
7. Necessity of permit is provided in which of the following sections of this act?
A. 66
B. 67
C. 68
D. 69
8. The maximum period of registration of a vehicle is …………….. years:
A. 10
B. 15
C. 20
D. 30
9. A motor cycle with engine capacity not exceeding 50 cc may be driven in a public place by a person after attaining the age of ......yrs?
A. 14
B. 15
C. 16
D. 17
10. State transport appellate tribunal shall consist of a judicial officer who is ……………………
A. Not below the rank of a DJ
B. Qualified to be a judge of the HC
C. Is or has been a judge of the Hc
D. Either a or b above
11. In case of a motor vehicle accident resulting in death, what must be done by the driver?
A. Leave the scene immediately
B. Report to the police within 24 hours
C. Pay compensation to the victim's family
D. Make a phone call to the insurance company
12. Which section of this act provides for revocation or driving license on grounds of disease or disability?
A. 15
B. 16
C. 17
D. 18
13. Travelling in a stage carriage without having a proper pass or ticket is punishable with fine upto Rs. ……………..
A. 500
B. 1000
C. 1500
D. 2000
14. According to this act, every motor vehicle shall be constructed and so maintained that the vehicle should:
A. Remain available all the time
B. Remain in service all the time
C. Remain under the effective control of the person driving a vehicle
D. Remain under the effective control for some time of the person driving the vehicle
15. Which section of this act provides for, necessity for driving license?
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
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