1. As per section 173 of this act, any person aggrieved by an award of a claim tribunal may prefer an appeal to the high court, within which of the following period of the award:
A. 30 days
B. 60 days
C. 40 days
D. None
2. Omnibus means any motor vehicle constructed or adapted to carry:
A. More than 5 persons including the driver
B. More than 5 persons excluding the driver
C. More than 6 persons including the driver
D. More than 6 persons excluding the driver
3. The liability of the insurer to pay compensation to the aggrieved/victim of a motor accident arises
A. From the date of the accident
B. From the date and time of issue of the insurance policy
C. From the date of FIR
D. From the date of the judgment of the court
4. Under section 173 of this act a person aggrieved by an award of the tribunal can prefer an appeal to.....
C. District Court
D. None
5. How many passengers can a private car carry according to the Motor Vehicles Act?
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7
6. Newly inserted section 66 A of this act, regarding national transportation policy came into force on:
A. 01.09.2019
B. 01,04,2021
C. 28.08.2019
D. 15.04.2019
7. Section 39 of the act is related to
A. Insurance of the vehicle
B. Fitness of vehicle
C. Registration of vehicle
D. Permit of vehicle
8. According to section 2(4)(a) of this act, community service means
A. Transporting several persons from one place to another of community belonging to the owner of the vehicle
B. Transporting goods from one place to another of community belonging to the owner of the vehicle
C. Free service of society during emergency or contingency
D. An unpaid work which a person is required to perform as a punishment for an offence committed under this act.
9. Articulated vehicle means a motor vehicle to which:
A. A trailer is attached
B. A semi-trailer is attached
C. A trailer and a semi-trailer is attached
D. None of these
10. Which section of this act provides for the disposal of articles found in vehicles
A. S.105
B. S.106
C. S.107
D. S.108
11. Under which section of this act insurance is necessary against third party risks?
A. 145
B. 146
C. 147
D. 148
12. A driving license issued or renewed under this act shall, in the case of a license to drive a transport vehicle be effective for a period of .......yrs
A. 3
B. 5
C. 7
D. 10
13. Any certificate of fitness or registration or license or permit issued or granted under the act of 1939…..
A. May be renewed under act of 1988
B. May be renewed under act of 1989
C. May not be renewed under any act
D. Either a or b above
14. Who can make rules under this act?
A. Central govt
B. State govt
C. SC and HC
D. Both a and b
15. The fee for a conductor's license and for each renewal there of shall be:
A. 1/2 of that for a driving license
B. Equal to that for a driving license
C. Double of that for a driving license
D. Rs 5000 fixed
16. Who shall maintain the national register of driving license?
A. Central govt
B. State govt
C. Both a and b
D. Neither a nor b
17. Which section of the Motor Vehicles Act deals with the penalties for traffic violations?
A. Section 112
B. Section 183
C. Section 192
D. Section 198
18. Driving a motor vehicle without holding a valid license is an offence punishable with?
A. Imprisonment up to 1 month or fine of RS. 500 or both
B. Imprisonment up to 2 months or fine of Rs. 500 or both
C. Imprisonment up to 3 months or fine of Rs. 500 or both
D. Imprisonment up to 3 months or fine of Rs. 5000 or both
19. A permit may be renewed on an application made, not less than....... Days before the date of its expiry
A. 90
B. 60
C. 15
D. 30
20. In which of the following case, the constitutional bench of the SC has directed that conventional heads, namely, loss of state, loss of consortium and funeral expenses should be Rs. 15000/-, Rs.40,000/- and Rs. 15,000 respectively for assessment of compensation in claim cases?
A. National Insurance Co. v. Pranay Sethi.
B. Rajesh and others v. Rajbir Singh and Ors.
C. Jiju Kuruvila and ors v. Kunjujamamohan and others
D. National Insurance Co.v. Pushpa
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